Greenmeadows Intermediate School

Covid 19 Update

(09) 267 6255 29 Greenmeadows Avenue

We remain at Level 4 for the next two weeks

Kia ora whānau,

Tonight the Prime Minister confirmed what she had already indicated - that Auckland is to remain in Alert Level 4 for another two weeks. This was not unexpected and we hold out hope that cases will continue to go down so we can get closer to Level 3. We are well equipped to continue to support the education of our students through Screenmeadows and it is good to see classes getting into the rhythm and routine of learning online.

While we are all looking forward to a drop in Alert Levels, it is important to keep in mind that not a lot really changes during Alert Level 3. Home Learning will continue to be the "norm" for most students. This is because at Alert Level 3 schools will effectively continue to be closed for face-to-face learning, other than for the children of parents who need to go to work and have no alternative care options available. As we get closer to the end of Level 4, I will be asking parents to let me know if they will need to send their child to school so that I can put in place the organisation for "bubble school".

In the meantime, our teachers are continuing to deliver a really good programme for our learners and it is really good to see high levels of attendance of students in classrooms. We do appreciate those parents who are supporting our home learning programme by encouraging their children to complete and submit their assignments.

Cybersecurity and content filtering for students learning from home

If parents are concerned about the content their children are viewing on their devices, I strongly recommend using the Ministry of Educations free filtering service "Switch on Safety". Pretty simple instructions for how to download this filter can be found here. We encourage all parents/whānau to take advantage of this free service.

Another great resource for parents and young people is the Department of Internal Affairs’ Keep it real online campaign. This website provides really awesome information and support for both parents and students regarding how to stay safe online.

Hard packs of learning materials

Now that we have managed to get more than 230 devices out to students, we are starting to look at delivering hard packs of learning materials - prioritising those students who are not able to access the internet. These are the packs that the Ministry of Education is providing. Unfortunately there has been a hiccup with delivery - MoE delivered them to school without telling me and weirdly, no one there to receive them so they took them away again! However, I am hoping that we will be able to get these out to students who need them by the end of the week. I will keep you updated.

Stay safe everyone ! As always, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.

Ngā mihi

Cathy Chalmers